Frequently asked questions
Have a different question and can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email at and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
- Registration Error > When i try and register the system says my details do not match
This happens when the details HR has for you are not the same as the details you are trying to register with. Please contact your HR representative and update your details.
- How much can I spend
All Tiger Brands staff have a R3000 monthly limit for payroll deductions.
- Can I purchase more than my payroll monthly amount worth of product
Not at the moment during the Tiger Trolley pilot.
- If I order today, when will I get my order?
All orders placed by 6pm will be delivered in the next 48 hours. You will a receive an SMS once collected by our delivery driver and another SMS once our delivery driver is on route to deliver your order.
- Shipping and Delivery
All orders paid for will be delivered within 48 hours at best efforts however we will notify you if we are unable to deliver the Goods during the Delivery Period. After your order is paid for on tigertrolley-shop, you will receive a notification that the driver is on his/her way to you. As participation in the Adcock Shop staff programme, proof of delivery will be by means of a photo of the person receiving the product.